Area Leaders Come Out Against Prop. 23
will vote on prop 23. a proposition to postpone a-b 32 — the state’s cap and trade global warming bill. today a local city leader and health experts encouraged voters to vote no on 23 — while others across the state are saying yes. news channel 3’s mike daniels shows how prop 23 will affect you. “everyone should vote no on this proposition.” the palm springs city council recently voted unanimously to oppose proposition 23. “we consider it a dangerous proposition that threatens our community’s health and economy.” prop 23 would turn back the clock on california’s landmark global warming solutions bill ab32 which will take effect in january. as the law stands right now… it forces companies to install costly new equipment to reduce emissions and dirty air. “texas oil companies put this on our ballot for their own bottom line, we want clean air and energy standards.” energy intensive industries are for prop 23… citing fear of increased expenses passed onto the consumer and losing up to one-million jobs as companies choose other states with less restrictions. “yes on 23 stops the energy tax, preventing a 60% increase in electricity rates and higher gas prices.” if passed… prop 23 would put a hold on new emission standards until the state’s unemployement rate drops to 5.5percent or less for an entire year. “when folks get past the initial rhetoric and understand how much this is going to cost them they will run not walk to the booth and vote yes on 23.” since money controls the message, in this case it appears the hedgefunds are edging out big oil. polls show prop-23 likely going down to defeat, keeping california on the course of alternative energy, and hoping more green jobs will replace those they may lose. mike daniels news channel 3 hd… palms springs. republican senate candidate carly fiorina is back on the campaign trail tonight. she missed the last 2 days — begin treated for an infection they may lose. mike daniels news channel 3 hd… palms springs. republican