Palm Springs Prescription Drug Take-Back This Saturday
Within just one year, nearly 350 people were rushed to the emergency room, in Riverside County, because of prescription drug abuse. In an effort to fight back, Palm Springs residents are invited to participate in a drug take-back day, this Saturday.
Picking up your prescription at the pharmacy and browsing the drug store aisle, to find something to relieve a headache, seems innocent enough. But leaving those drugs in the medicine cabinet, for anyone to take, can be a deadly decision.
Dr. Herbert Neuman, of Covidien Pharmaceuticals says, “It turns out, the inadvertent overdose and death that results from prescription overdose is now more prevalent, than overdose from cocaine and heroin combined.”
Shopper, Ken Cornelison says, “I think it’s a big problem, especially with what people buy over the counter and have on hand.”
In fact, 70% of people who overdose on prescription medication, get them from friends and family, not street-level dealers. Charlie Cichon, of the national Association of Drug Diversion Investigators, Inc. says, “Unfortunately, the bigger population that’s abusing are our kids. The 12-17 age bracket. Where are they getting the drugs from? The medicine cabinets.”
Congresswoman Mary Bono Mack is the co-chairman of the Congressional Caucus on Prescription Drug Abuse. She says, “All too often, unused prescription medications fall into the hands of children resulting in abuse, addiction, and even death. Today, prescription drug abuse is the fastest growing drug problem in America.”
People are being asked to bring their unwanted and expired medications, to six Walgreens and Rite Aid pharmacies, around Palm Springs, this Saturday, from 10am-2pm.
Shopper, Daryle Lynn Cornelison says, “I think it brings awareness to the fact that prescription meds are as dangerous as other kinds of drugs and alcohol.”
The take-back hopes to not only create awareness, but to give-back peace of mind.