Wet weather floods into the Valley, Driving tips to stay safe
A car accident in Palm Springs Thursday afternoon caused police to block off Indian Canyon Drive and Tramview to Garnet.
Police say they don’t suspect the accident was weather-related but Indian Canyon Drive at the wash typically gets flooded when rain pours into the valley.
Early Thursday afternoon drivers weren’t deterred by water streaming through the wash. It was a murky situation drivers might not always be able to get out of.
“Turn around, don’t drown,” Chief Mark Brooks with Riverside County Fire said. “Don’t try to drive across the flooded roadway. Six inches of water moving will take a person off their feet. One foot of moving water will take a vehicle off of the road.”
Wet weather will continue to pour into roadways throughout the weekend.
Check for alternate routes ahead of time to avoid traffic delays Check windshield wipers and tires to make sure they are working in good condition Check disaster kits and update them as needed If your Home is in a low-lying area, use sandbags to line your home to prevent water from making its way into your home.
Sandbags can be picked up from locations listed on CalFire.