Firefighters deal with record-breaking temps while responding to fires
Local firefighters have responded to a number of fires and other heat-related emergencies during this record-breaking heat wave.
Cal Fire crews battled a house fire in Indio and another in Coachella on Friday afternoon when temperatures were above 120 degrees with added humidity from monsoonal moisture.
“I am sweating right here and I am not doing anything, image them. They are in the heat in there,” said Hector Cazres, whose home in Coachella was a complete loss after a fire.
To deal with the heat, extra crews are dispatched to fires so firefighters can rotate about every 15 minutes. That way they can stay hydrated and keep from overheating.
“Inside our firefighting clothing it is fully encapsulated. We don’t sweat through and we don’t get any benefit of that evaporation so you can become overheated very quickly,” said Cal Fire Deputy Fire Chief Daniel Talbot.
This heat is deadly and dangerous for anyone stuck outside.
Crews gave cold drinks to neighbors who couldn’t go back into their homes until firefighters were done mopping up.