Jury reaches split verdict in trial of former wrestler accused of abusing women
A split verdict for a former wrestler, actor, and producer charged with abusing women in Sky Valley.
Wayne Boyd, 72, was arrested in August 2016 for allegedly physically and sexually assaulting two women at his Sky Valley ranch. Prosecutors said Boyd lured the women to his home with promises of opportunity and stardom, but instead, he demeaned, sexually assaulted, and severely injured them.
Boyd was charged with 9 counts that include sexual and physical abuse.
According to John Hall, public information officer for the Riverside County District Attorney’s Office, the jury found Boyd guilty of three counts on Monday.
Hall said Boyd was found not guilty of counts 1, 4, & 5. He was found not guilty but guilty to a lesser battery on counts 2 & 8. The jury found Boyd guilty of counts 3, 6, and 7.
Court documents reveal count 3 is a sexual assault charge, count 6 is a physical threat charge, and count 7 is an assault and battery charge.
Hall said counts 1-7 was to victim one and count 8 was to victim two.
Boyd is scheduled to be sentenced is on November 15.