Riverside County will begin to update its COVID wesbite weekly
Riverside County's COVID-19 website will now be updated weekly as opposed to daily, officials announced on Tuesday.
The county's site (https://www.rivcoph.org/coronavirus) shows the number of cases, deaths and other data associated with the pandemic.
The website has not been updated since Tuesday, June 22. Officials said this was because state officials “reconciled” COVID-19 case data. Officials reviewed thousands of case files to ensure the published data accurately reflected the number of cases and other information.
"There were some questions as to why the dashboard had not been updated since last week,” said Kim Saruwatari, director of Public Health for Riverside County. “It was important the data we publish properly show what is happening with the pandemic and we wanted to provide the most accurate information.”
The reconciliation led to the number of confirmed COVID cases in Riverside County to drop by 144 cases since June 22. The Coachella Valley reported a drop of 7 total cases since last week, with the city of Indio reporting 37 less cases in that time period.
The county confirmed there are also new cases being reported despite the running tally of cases falling.
The number of recoveries dropped by 245 since June 22. Deaths remains the same since last week (4,627 total). Hospitalizations and patients in the ICU has been updated by the state and remains unaffected.
"Publishing a total that was less than previously displayed, while new cases were being reported could present an inaccurate picture of what was happening," reads a news release by Riverside University Health System.
The county's website data will be updated Wednesdays starting July 7.
Officials said the weekly updates will provide a more accurate look at data trends.
Vaccine data will continue to be posted Monday through Friday, except on holidays.
The county reports that more than 2.2 million doses have been administered in Riverside County and about 53 percent of the county’s population (12 years and older) have been partially or fully vaccinated.
To find a location of a vaccine site or to make an appointment, which is recommended but not required, click https://www.rivcoph.org/COVID-19-Vaccine. You can also call 951-358-5000 for more information.