City of Coachella hosts Coachella “Anime-ated” Christmas to celebrate holiday season
The City of Coachella hosted its Coachella "Anime-ated" Christmas event to celebrate this year's holiday season.
On Friday, an anime-themed parade traveled through the streets of Downtown Coachella from Cesar Chavez Street & Westerfield Way to Veterans' Memorial Park on Fourth Street.
At Veterans' Memorial Park, there was a celebration with carnival rides, an ice slide, a DJ, and food vendors for people to enjoy. Event officials said about 5,000 people went out to take part in the festivities.
This year's parade was hosted by College of the Desert Area 2 trustee Bea Gonzalez.
The top parade participants were awarded trophies based on how well they executed this year's theme. Coachella Valley High School was awarded the best overall performer in the parade.