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Month: February 2016

Sales Manager

Gulf California Broadcast Company is seeking a candidate for the position of Local Sales Manager to lead one of our teams of professional account executives. Experience in managing sales operations in television is a must, as is the ability to develop and implement strategic plans with goals and deadlines. The Local Sales Manager’s primary purpose

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Hundreds of protesters gather near Summit at Sunnylands

As President Obama hosts the ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) Summit at Sunnylands for an international economic forum, groups of protesters have gathered to voice their concerns. Some Californians gathered to protest against the proposed Trans-Pacific Partnership trade agreement, a pact they say would lead to a global race-to-the-bottom in wages, working conditions and

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Se habla del terrorismo, comercio e industria y las crecientes tensiones entre China, los Estados Unidos y otras naciones

Seguimos nuestra cobertura sobre la cumbre presidencial que se realiz hoy por la tarde en la hacienda Sunnylands en Rancho Mirage. Las reuniones estuvieron pautadas para mejorar una nueva alianza estratgica entre los Estados Unidos y los pases de sia, como le informamos oportunamente en Kuna Noticias Telemundo 15. Inici a eso de las 3:30pm

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