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Month: March 2021

La OMS dice que es «probable a muy probable» que la fuente del coronavirus sea un animal, según el informe final de la agencia

(CNN) — El nuevo coronavirus que causa el covid-19 probablemente se propagó a las personas a través de un animal, según el informe final de 120 páginas de la Organización Mundial de la Salud. El informe, publicado el martes, da cuatro posibles fuentes del virus: transmisión directa de una fuente animal, descrita como «desbordamiento»; que

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Dr. Anthony Fauci and Dr. Raul Ruiz among experts addressing protections for farmworkers from COVID-19

In honor of national farmworker awareness week, Dr. Anthony Fauci spoke with several experts including local congressman Dr. Raul Ruiz on the increased need for farmworkers to have access to extra protections against the coronavirus. “I get to work from home but farmworkers can’t,” Texas congresswoman Sylvia Garcia said during the Zoom meeting on Tuesday.

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‘An answer to our prayers’; St. Charles County first responders bring COVID-19 vaccine to senior apartment complexes

Click here for updates on this story     ST. CHARLES COUNTY, Missouri (KMOV) — The St. Charles County Ambulance District has vaccinated more than 200 seniors in the last week, thanks to a new partnership between the state’s department of public health and first responders across the state. The $5 million partnership allows ambulance districts to

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Several Canadian provinces halt AstraZeneca vaccine for those under 55 in wake of new panel guidelines

Click here for updates on this story     TORONTO, Ontario (CTV Network) — Several provinces have halted administration of the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine to those under the age of 55 following new recommendations from Canada’s National Advisory Committee on Immunization (NACI). On Monday, the NACI recommended pausing administration of the AstraZeneca vaccine to those under the

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Turning to ‘Dr. Google’ may not be as anxiety-inducing or misleading as believed, study finds

Click here for updates on this story     TORONTO, Ontario (CTV Network) — Have you found yourself Googling your symptoms in an attempt to soothe health-related anxieties, and then worried that you were going to accidentally misdiagnose yourself and make those anxieties worse? Well, according to a new study from the U.S., turning to “Dr. Google”

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