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Month: March 2021

Biden slams GOP vote-restriction bills as ‘sick’ and ‘un-American’ while Georgia moves to suppress the vote

President Joe Biden on Thursday slammed a slew of Republican efforts to suppress the vote as “un-American” as Georgia’s state House passed a sweeping bill that would vastly limit access to the ballot and sent it immediately to the state Senate. The President, in his first formal news conference since taking office, criticized Republican efforts

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Biden pressed over crisis at the southern border in his first White House news conference

President Joe Biden spent much of his first presidential news conference on Thursday facing questions about the crisis on the southern border, promising conditions for unaccompanied minors arriving in the US will improve and blaming the prior administration and the cooler weather for the spike of migrants at the border. The President faced a wide-ranging

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Russia says Alexey Navalny is in ‘generally good health’ after he describes ‘severe pain’ and ‘difficulty walking’

Russia’s prison service has said Kremlin critic Alexey Navalny is in “generally good health” after the activist’s team expressed concern about his physical condition and said they were denied access to see him. Navalny has submitted two applications to Russian prison officials through his lawyers requesting access to a doctor of his choice and to

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7 de cada 10 hospitalizados por covid-19 no se habían recuperado completamente cinco meses después del alta, revela un estudio

(CNN) — Siete de cada 10 personas hospitalizadas por covid-19 no se habían recuperado completamente cinco meses después de que les dieran el alta, según un nuevo estudio del Reino Unido, donde las autoridades consideran necesario estudiar más a fondo el ‘covid prolongado’ para mejorar la atención de los pacientes. Los sobrevivientes de coronavirus siguieron

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Perú registra el mayor número de casos diarios de covid-19; casi el 40% de los contagios en Lima son de la variante brasileña

(CNN) — Perú reportó 11.260 nuevos casos de covid-19 el miércoles por la noche, la mayor cantidad de contagios diarios desde que comenzó la pandemia hace 12 meses, según datos publicados por el Ministerio de Salud. El promedio diario de casos en el país ha aumentado en un 31% desde principios de marzo. El número

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India detecta una nueva variante ‘doble mutante’ a medida que aumentan los casos de covid-19 y hay temores de una segunda ola

Nueva Delhi (CNN) — India ha detectado una nueva variante «doble mutante» de covid-19, mientras el país lucha por contener un aumento en los casos que genera temores de una segunda ola. «Se han encontrado VOC (variantes de preocupación, por sus siglas en inglés) y una nueva variante con dos mutaciones en India», dijo el

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Perú registra el mayor número de casos diarios de covid-19 mientras que casi el 40% de los contagios en Lima son de la variante brasileña

(CNN) — Perú reportó 11.260 nuevos casos de covid-19 el miércoles por la noche, la mayor cantidad de contagios diarios desde que comenzó la pandemia hace 12 meses, según datos publicados por el Ministerio de Salud. El promedio diario de casos en el país ha aumentado en un 31% desde principios de marzo. El número

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Boulder Police used slain officer’s handcuffs to formally place shooting suspect into custody

Boulder Police used the handcuffs belonging to the officer killed in Monday’s mass shooting to formally place the shooting suspect into custody, police said in a tweet Thursday. “This week several Boulder Police officers & others responded to a local hospital to formally place Monday’s shooting suspect into custody,” police said in the tweet. “As

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A Massachusetts high school removed its football coach after the team used anti-Semitic language to call plays

A school district in Duxbury, Massachusetts, announced that they have “severed ties” with their high school’s head football coach after allegations that anti-Semitic language was used to call plays at a recent game. Duxbury Public Schools announced on Wednesday that Dave Maimaron would no longer hold the position of head football coach at Duxbury High

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DSUSD approves indoor sports to return; basketball and wrestling to begin practice pending test results

Desert Sands Unified School District has approved for indoor sports to be played, pending test results. These sports include basketball and wrestling. Unfortunately, volleyball is not eligible to play since the end-of-season date has passed. Local high school basketball programs within the district – Palm Desert, Indio, La Quinta and Shadow Hills – are all

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