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Month: March 2022

Possible Arkansas tornado injured 7 as more potential twisters and severe weather threaten Southeast

CNN By Judson Jones, Gregory Lemos, Caroll Alvarado and Eric Levenson, CNN A powerful storm ripped through Springdale, Arkansas, early Wednesday as part of a dangerous system that’s continuing to threaten much of the Southeast with more severe weather, flash floods and potential tornadoes. Seven people were injured, including two critically, when a possible tornado

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Possible Arkansas tornado injured 7 as more potential twisters and severe weather threaten Southeast

By Judson Jones, Gregory Lemos, Caroll Alvarado and Eric Levenson, CNN A powerful storm ripped through Springdale, Arkansas, early Wednesday as part of a dangerous system that’s continuing to threaten much of the Southeast with more severe weather, flash floods and potential tornadoes. Seven people were injured, including two critically, when a possible tornado touched

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Ministra de Gobierno de Ecuador renuncia por “no coincidir” con el presidente Lasso en manejo de crisis política

macamilarincon (CNN Español) –– La ministra de Gobierno de Ecuador, Alexandra Vela, renunció este martes a su cargo, tras 8 meses al frente de ese ministerio en el gobierno del presidente Guillermo Lasso. El mandatario aceptó su renuncia. Vela informó que su renuncia se debe a que “no coincide” con la línea que estableció el

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