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Month: June 2023

As if air travel isn’t hard enough, 5G wireless signals could disrupt flights starting this weekend

By DAVID KOENIG AP Airlines Writer Airline passengers who have endured tens of thousands of weather-related flight delays this week could face a new source of disruptions starting Saturday, when wireless providers are expected to power up new 5G systems near major airports. Aviation groups have warned for years that 5G signals could interfere with

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The Supreme Court just issued its biggest rulings of the year. Here’s what you need to know.

By JESSICA GRESKO Associated Press WASHINGTON (AP) — The Supreme Court just finished issuing its biggest decisions of the term, killing President Joe Biden’s $400 billion plan to cancel or reduce federal student loan debts, ending affirmative action in higher education and issuing a major decision that impacts gay rights. The decisions over the past

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Battle over Wisconsin’s top elections official could have ripple effects for 2024

By HARM VENHUIZEN Associated Press/Report for America MADISON, Wis. (AP) — A fight over whether Wisconsin’s top elections official will keep her job has potential implications for the 2024 presidential contest in a perennial battleground where statewide margins are typically razor thin. Meagan Wolfe, the nonpartisan administrator of the Wisconsin Elections Commission, has been targeted

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