Coachella Valley unites to celebrate MLK legacy ahead of holiday
About 100 people gathered Sunday to celebrate the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., in a heartfelt tribute that featured powerful speeches, city proclamations and moments of unity.
The 39th annual Martin Luther King Jr. Commemoration Celebration, held at St. Margarets Episcopal Church, included remarks from a Palm Desert High school student and Anyse Smith, attorney, both of whom reflected on King’s vision for justice and equality.

"We look here in 2025, we want to make sure that the lessons from his legacy and the things that he did are being preserved, but also being repeated along with context," Smith said.
Ceremony sponsors included: City of Palm Desert, City of Palm Springs, Democratic Women of the Desert, Desert Sands Unified School District and Palm Springs Black History Committee.
Stay with News Channel 3 to hear more from the tributes attendees.