Parents looking to protect their kids after string of school shootings
Wednesday’s school shooting in Florida is hitting home for many families in the valley.
Some parents say they’re scared, upset, confused, and for some, it’s a haunting reminder of previous tragedies. Parents are looking for whatever they can to keep their children safe, from buying bulletproof backpacks to self-defense classes.
“It’s a feeling that you really can’t explain. It’s a deep hurt, fear,” said McCallen, who had an 8-year-old grandson involved in a previous school shooting. “We were able to finally see our grandchild on the news running, it was a lot of pressure let go.”
McCallen’s grandson was next door to the North Park Elementary classroom where a gunman opened fire on his estranged wife, ultimately killing her, a student, and himself.
“A teacher that I met, I talked to, and my grandson enjoyed and liked, died and one of his friends died. I never thought that we’d actually be involved in it something personal like that, it can happen to anyone,” McCallen said.
The string of shooting has made it a scary reality for parents.
“It was a little scary to think, should I send my kids to school,” Maribel Gale, of Rancho Mirage.
Some looking to bulletproof backpacks.
“I would purchase anything that would protect my kid’s life,” Devon De La Torre of Cathedral City.
“Sometimes being underneath a piece of furniture is not helping. It’s not protecting them enough,” Helene Shaunty of Palm Desert.
Parents say they are now finding reassurance in cell phones.
“I was opposed to them at first when my grandkids were taking them to school, but then I thought, they need them. they really do,” said Anna Hernandez of Palm Desert.
Shihan Deanna Bivins is the owner of Red Dragon Karate in Palm Desert. She says her practices are evolving as mass shootings become increasingly more popular.
“This that has happened to our country, is huge. We’ve had other shootings, but this one for me has gone over the top and we don’t know where they’ll go from here. So from here on out, I will be discussing different things, I will be bringing up guns, what it means, what’s behind it,” Bivins said.
For the first time in her 40 years of instruction, she is hosting a workshop, incorporating shooter situation mock scenarios.
“I have a whole professional black belt team. Stunt guys and girls that will allow the self-defense woman to do some moves on them. We’ll set up seems that can happen with a gun and I’ll do little mock scenes for kids. “I’ve seen a pattern over the years and I think it’ll just keep escalating,” Bivins said.
If you’re interested in self-defense classes for your child, you can visit Red Dragon Karate in Palm Desert on 74836 Technology Drive #104. A Mass Intro Class will be held on Feb. 27 at 6:30, it is a FREE bully proof program – call in or walk-ins
Will Touch base on shooting
March 1 – mass intro FREE second opportunity (same as ^)
Additional class: Self defense woman – Wednesday, Feb 28 8 pm
49.00 one hour and a half
Shooting situations mock scenario
And engagement for adults
245$ package – 4 weeks package including shooting situation once a week for an hour
Mock situations for attacks
Gun situation
Stunt team does role plays with adults
Ages 12+ experience role play
Will start March 7, 14, 21, 28