Arabian Gardens Mobile Home park is in phase 2 of the SoCal Gas Conversion Program
Arabian Gardens Mobile Home Park is in the City of Indio. This privately owned mobile home park is in the second phase of the Mobilehome park utility conversion program with the Southern California Gas Company. "The modernization program replaces aging, privately owned, master-metered systems with new utility-owned systems at qualified mobile home parks throughout California," say SoCalGas officials. The gas conversion project will create a "safer and more reliable gas system for the residents as we upgrade their current gas system to ours," says SoCalGas officials.
The Southern California Gas team was "Replacing the legacy gas system or the privately owned gas system that was installed several years ago with a brand new gas system," said the Dir., distribution planning and project management, Joe Velazquez. It's part of a state-wide program through the California Public Utilities Commission… to upgrade privately-owned systems to benefit residents. Our energy efficiency programs have greater access to those, giving them incentives to reduce their gas usage and save on their bills.
Some residents were happy to hear they might be eligible for gas bill breaks and incentives. Others feel it might be the same, but they are setting up their new accounts with the SoCalGas Company.
Some neighbors loved the sound of saving money, but resident Gloria is concerned about juggling one additional bill. "Because I think there's gonna be the same before that was very because I was together now I had to call the gas company," said Gloria.
Her home is one of sixty-six homes in the second phase of conversion.
This is not a new project in Arabian Gardens Mobilehome Park, but the completion is underway. This project should be done in October. "We converted the other part of the park a couple of years ago. We're just hoping to continue the program," said Velazquez.
"They're well on their way already doing some of the construction along the roadways, they're taking up some of the lines from the road infrastructure, and they're putting their lines," said Mayor Waymond Fermon. So if there are any issues with service or any maintenance of the California gas could come, they could pinpoint it, make a block off certain sections, and fix repairs as soon as possible.
SoCalGas officials say 15 mobile home parks will be converted in Riverside County next year, and at least three will be in Indio.