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Desert Regional Medical Center recognized with advanced perinatal certification

Desert Regional Medical Center was recognized as the first hospital in the Inland Empire to receive a new accreditation created last year by the Joint Commission and the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. The recognition honors new standards that demonstrates the hospital’s commitment to multi-disciplinary care, based on practices to ensure the health of

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Autism Fast Facts

CNN Editorial Research (CNN) — Here is a look at autism. Autism or autism spectrum disorder (ASD) incorporates a group of neurodevelopmental disorders causing impaired communication skills and social skills. ASD generally starts before three years of age and lasts a lifetime, but early intervention plays a role in treatment and progress. ASD is about

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2001 Anthrax Attacks Fast Facts

CNN Editorial Research (CNN) — Here’s a look at the 2001 anthrax attacks, also referred to as Amerithrax. Facts about anthrax There are four types of anthrax infection: cutaneous (through the skin), inhalation (through the lungs; the most deadly), gastrointestinal (through digestion) and injection anthrax. Injection anthrax is common in heroin-injecting users in northern Europe.

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Zika Virus Infection Fast Facts

CNN Editorial Research (CNN) — Here’s a look at Zika virus, an illness spread through mosquito bites that can cause birth defects and other neurological defects. Facts Sources: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), World Health Organization (WHO) and CNN Zika virus is a flavivirus, part of the same family as yellow fever, West

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Ebola Fast Facts

CNN Editorial Research (CNN) — Here’s a look at Ebola, a virus with a high fatality rate that was first identified in Africa in 1976. Facts Ebola hemorrhagic fever is a disease caused by one of five different Ebola viruses. Four of the strains can cause severe illness in humans and animals. The fifth, Reston

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Vaccines Fast Facts

CNN Editorial Research (CNN) — Here’s a look at information and statistics concerning vaccines in the United States. For vaccines related to coronavirus, see Coronavirus Outbreak Timeline Fast Facts. Facts The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) provides vaccine recommendations by age, as well as by disease. For more than 100 years, there has

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Introducing peanut butter to infants and toddlers seems to offer protection against developing a peanut allergy even in adolescence

Introducing peanut butter during infancy can help protect against a peanut allergy later on, new study finds

By Jacqueline Howard, CNN (CNN) — Reassuring new evidence suggests that feeding children smooth peanut butter during infancy and early childhood can help reduce their risk of developing a peanut allergy even years later. Compared with avoiding peanuts, starting peanut consumption in infancy – as early as around 4 months of age, as a soft

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How to cool down without AC

By Kristen Rogers, CNN (CNN) — Whether you’re without power, enduring extreme heat or trying to save money, there are ways to feel comfortable without artificial cooling. Heat can foster fun summer activities, but the body shouldn’t be too hot for too long, as too much heat can harm your brain and other organs, according

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