Tough Times Making More Taxpayers File Late
Mike Agredano anticipated this moment all year. He, like many at post offices everywhere, are finally filing their returns, capping off a year of scrimping and saving.
“I had just a little bit left over paying my taxes so that felt good,” says Agredano.
In these tough times people are struggling to pay the bills. That’s making saving hard and paying Uncle Sam even harder.
“Every year, people have a difficult time and they wait until the last minute. Some people aren’t even taking care of that aspect of it right not because of the economy,” says Agredano.
“When you owe big money, it’s tough to send it,” says Palm Desert resident Jim Morgan with a laugh.
But the Internal Revenue Service is offeringsome mercy for those struggling to pay taxes. The agency offers a short term extension or payment plan with interest. The IRS says about 10 million taxpayers will file for extensions this year, up from 9.5 million a year ago. Then, it’s just a matter of getting them in on time.
“We just got [the extensions] from the accountant today so we’re getting them in the mail,” says Palm Desert resident Annette Funk.
Some postmasters say less people are mailing their taxes and, instead, filing online. Morgan filed his return electronically, then, waited to mail the check, so he could keep his money longer. His business has struggled in the recession, but he’s optimistic things are looking up.
“Home sales are picking up. My home inspection business is picking up. So I think it’s gonna be a good year. I just think 2009-2010 will be great,” says Morgan.
Post offices in San Diego, San Bernardino and Riverside are all open until midnight.Spotlight 29 Casino offered to be a tax drop-off place until 9 Wednesday night with the intent on submitting them to Riverside by midnight.