Palm Springs Air Museum Hosts Memorial Day Flower Drop
To mark Memorial Day, the Palm Springs Air Museum once again held a flower drop with thousands of carnations falling from the sky.
Before the drop got underway four T-34’s made a pass over the air museum in the “missing man formation.”
Then a B-25 Mitchell Bomber, a symbol of American air power during World War II did its thing dropping 3,000 carnations. The only problem, the drop was off target missing the crowd at the museum. Instead the flowers landed on the nearby runway.
That aside, veterans on hand believe the message of this day wasn’t lost. “It’s a good time for us to sit and remember the people that gave their lives for us, so we have the kind of life we live today in this country,” said Ron Lavalle, a former U.S. Navy Combat Pilot.
2,000 white and 1,000 red carnations were released from the B-25. The white flowers representing those who died fighting in world wars I and II as well as Korea and Vietnam. The red carnations for those who didn’t return home after serving in the Persian Gulf, Desert Storm, Iraq and Afghanistan.