Locals serve Marines Thanksgiving dinners
Many people are enjoying the Thanksgiving holiday with their families, but most Twentynine Palms Marines are a ways from home. Thursday afternoon local families opened their doors to Marines and fed them a homemade Thanksgiving dinner. More than 350 Marines got to spend their day off the base and in the homes of Valley families. Thursday marked the 10th year American Friends of Our Armed Forces coordinated the Adopt a Marine Thanksgiving celebration. “We are going to be pairing Marines with host families for Thanksgiving dinner, as well as offering the facilities of the club for the Marines to use for the afternoon,” said Bill Heck, a committee member for Marines at the Rancho La Quinta Country Club. The Rancho La Quinta Country Club was one of ten eager communities to welcome home their local heroes. “I think they would feel like it’s not Thanksgiving without the Marines,” said Heck. Tom and Karen Acklend are one of the host families. “I think to be away from home for the holidays are always difficult, so to have them in your home and to make them feel part of your family [is important],” Karen Acklend said. Tom Acklend is a retired Navy Seal, and remembers his days in service. “It’s always wonderful to have contact with the civilian population and realize they are supporting you, are behind you, and respect you,” said Acklend. His memories hold true to how some Marines were feeling on Thursday. “When we came in here, everyone was waving at us. They have more Marine flags here, than they do on base. I like the support,” said Justin Campbell, a Marine based at the Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center in Twentynine Palms. Nathaniele Elliot and Justin Campbell are two of many Marines who say they’re grateful to enjoy a home cooked meal and spend the holiday with family. “It’s nice to know that people are willing to welcome me into their house when I don’t even know them,” said Campbell. Elliot added, “It’s great. They treat us like we’re one of theirs.”