SunLine to provide free fares on local fixed-route bus service starting Tuesday morning

Local fixed-route bus service will be provided free-of-charge starting Tuesday, the SunLine Transit Agency announced.
"We're so incredibly proud of the dedicated team at SunLine and the efforts made to quickly mobilize this response to recommendations by health officials. It reflects how we all truly care for our riders, each other and the community we serve," said Lauren Skiver, CEO/General Manager. "We understand this pandemic is affecting our riders on a multitude of levels, and believe helping out our customers impacted by this health emergency is the right thing to do."
In addition, the SunLine Transit Agency is taking precautions to provide the recommended social distancing.
Passengers without disabilities will be directed to use the rear door of the vehicle for boarding and alighting to minimize contact with transit operators at the front door and farebox area.
People utilizing mobility devices or who need the ramp will be allowed to board and alight from the front door of the vehicle.
SunLine will also implement enhanced cleaning procedures, including additional disinfecting efforts for fixed-route and paratransit vehicles and bus stops.
SunLine is posting information and education about its temporary free fares and other potential service impacts on the Agency website. All relevant information related to SunLine Transit Agency's response to COVID-19 can be found by visiting