Riverside County Registrar to continue ballot counting for days, weeks
It’s the morning after Election Day and ballots are still being counted across the country, including right here in Riverside County.
County representatives shared that ballot counting continued well into the night, with election workers leaving the Registrar around 4 a.m. Ballot counting will resume at 8 a.m. Wednesday morning.
The Registrar posted several overnight election updates, you can see the latest numbers here.
The latest update shows Former Vice President Joe Biden leading in Riverside County votes by nearly 50,000. The update also shows several close local election races and proposition results.
Election officials say ballot counting is going to continue for days, even weeks at the Registrar.
“Keep in mind as long as you had your ballot postmarked by November 3rd, those votes will be counted up until 17 days later, which is November 20th. We’re still going to be counting ballots until almost the end of the month when we can certify this election,” said Yaoska Machado, public information specialist, County of Riverside.
We’re told about 400,000 vote-by-mail ballots and 25,000 provisional ballots still have to be processed. And then there are the ballots that were postmarked on Tuesday, those still need to arrive back at the Registrar to be counted.
Even with people working tirelessly, it’s a meticulous process and election workers say they’re dedicated to getting it absolutely right.
Originally, county representatives told News Channel 3 the next round of updated results would be posted on Friday, however, they’ve since posted on their website the next updated results will be posted Thursday at 6 p.m.