Part-time resident reunites with cat missing for two months

Dale Dragon, a formerly missing cat in Rancho Mirage, reunited with one of his owners at the Coachella Valley Animal Campus on Saturday, June 15.
Dale's owners, Kim Salls and Jill MacDonald, believed he got spooked by an irrigation system and jumped the fence of their Rancho Mirage home in early April. The couple searched before eventually returning to their second home in St. Louis.
"We went everywhere looking for him," Salls said, via telephone. "We posted signs on our street. We posted signs on other streets."

The 3-year-old cat went missing on April 10, according to the Riverside County Department of Animal Services.
On May 11, Dale showed up at another family's Rancho Mirage home, who cared for him before ultimately deciding to visit the Animal Campus where a microchip was located on June 4.
The cat stayed with the "kind couple" in Rancho Mirage until Salls returned to the valley.
Salls emphasized her gratitude, "You know, people see cats running around all the time in the desert, and it takes a special person to really take it upon themselves to bring in the cat and to go the extra mile to see if that cat had a home and, and he did ... He had a home."
This past weekend, Dale returned to St. Louis where his owners can't wait "to begin fattening him up again."