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Month: April 2021

Rich nations had vaccine options after AstraZeneca and J&J faced clot reports. Others may not have that luxury

It was nothing short of a miracle when it became clear that scientists had developed several effective vaccines against Covid-19 in less than a year. Announcements last week from European Union and British drug regulators finding a possible link between AstraZeneca’s Covid-19 shot and rare blood clots, however, have been a real low point in

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La policía responde a una ‘situación con múltiples víctimas’ en una oficina de FedEx en Indianápolis

(CNN) — Las autoridades atienden una ‘situación con múltiples víctimas’, según la portavoz del Departamento de Policía Metropolitana de Indianápolis, Genae Cook. El incidente ocurrió en una oficina de FedEx ubicada en el 8951 de Mirabel Road en Indianápolis, según Cook. La policía está en el lugar y está recopilando información. No se ofrecieron otros

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Police responding to a ‘mass casualty situation’ at FedEx facility in Indianapolis

Law enforcement officials in Indianapolis are working a “mass casualty situation,” according to Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department Spokesperson Officer Genae Cook. The incident happened at a FedEx facility located at 8951 Mirabel Road in Indianapolis, according to Cook. Police are on the scene and gathering information, no other details were immediately available. The major nearby

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Spies vs. scientists on the origin of Covid

The science: Scientists are coalescing around the idea that Covid-19 probably spread to people through an animal or animals. That was the conclusion of a preliminary World Health Organization review of the virus’s origins released in March. It laid out four possible origin theories and argued the most likely was some form of animal-to-human transmission

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New Zealand and Australia were Covid success stories. Why are they behind on vaccine rollouts?

Over the past year, New Zealand has been celebrated for its handling of the Covid-19 pandemic. As other countries battled months-long lockdowns and hospital systems on the brink of collapse, New Zealand imposed a five-week nationwide lockdown before returning to something resembling normality. Although borders have been closed to foreigners for more than a year,

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Defense Department confirms leaked video of unidentified aerial phenomena is real

The Defense Department has confirmed that leaked photos and video of “unidentified aerial phenomena” taken in 2019 are indeed legitimate images of unexplained objects. Photos and videos of triangle-shaped objects blinking and moving through the clouds were taken by Navy personnel, Pentagon spokeswoman Sue Gough said in a statement to CNN. She also confirmed that

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