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Month: May 2023

Boris Johnson Fast Facts

CNN Editorial Research (CNN) — Here’s a look at the life of Boris Johnson, former prime minister of the United Kingdom. Personal Birth date: June 19, 1964 Birth place: New York, New York Birth name: Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson Father: Stanley Johnson, environmentalist, writer, former politician Mother: Charlotte Johnson Wahl, painter Marriages: Carrie Symonds

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Radovan Karadzic Fast Facts

CNN Editorial Research (CNN) — Here is a look at the life of Radovan Karadzic, who was found guilty of genocide and crimes against humanity related to ethnic violence during the breakup of Yugoslavia in the 1990s. Personal Birth date: June 19, 1945 Birth place: Petnjica, Montenegro Father: Vuk Karadzic Mother: Jovanka Karadzic Marriage: Ljiljana

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New library rule limiting children’s access to ‘obscene’ books takes effect

By Tia Maggio Click here for updates on this story     COLUMBIA, Missouri (KOMU) — Libraries across mid-Missouri are adapting to a new rule that took effect Tuesday. The administrative rule, enacted by Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft, could limit children’s access to certain books or topics. The rule restricts libraries from putting any “obscene” material

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Autoridades de Brasil rechazan “agresiones” a periodistas que cubrían reunión de presidentes sudamericanos

urielblanco (CNN Español) — La Secretaría de Prensa de la Presidencia y el Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores de Brasil lamentaron las “agresiones” a periodistas que cubrían la reunión de presidentes sudamericanos este martes en el Palacio de Itamaraty, sede de la Cancillería en Brasilia. Según la estatal Agencia Brasil, hubo un “revuelo” cuando algunos mandatarios

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