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Month: November 2024

How a slapstick movie idea about beavers went from the bar to one of 2024’s biggest indie hits

AP Film Writer NEW YORK (AP) — The microbudget movie “Hundreds of Beavers” has turned into lo-fi legend. Mike Cheslik’s film, made for just $150,000 and self-distributed in theaters, has managed to gnaw its way into a movie culture largely dominated by big-budget sequels. “Hundreds of Beavers” is a wordless black-and-white bonanza of slapstick antics

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The book was printed in 1532 and bound with Machiavelli's "Florentine Histories" in an Italian binding

Rare first edition of Machiavelli’s famous leadership treatise, ‘The Prince,’ goes up for auction

By Amarachi Orie, CNN London (CNN) — The Italian Renaissance diplomat Niccolò Machiavelli has become synonymous with subtle scheming. And now, an extremely rare first edition of his most famous work, the political manual “The Prince,” is going up for auction, with an expected sale price of up to £300,000 ($375,000). The copy of the

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Putin dice que Moscú tiene derecho a atacar instalaciones militares de países cuyas armas se utilizan contra Rusia

Andrea Gomez (CNN) — El presidente de Rusia, Vladimir Putin, afirmó este jueves que Moscú se considera con derecho a utilizar armas contra objetivos militares de países que permiten el uso de sus armas contra Rusia, al tiempo que confirmó el uso por parte de Ucrania de misiles de largo alcance de fabricación estadounidense y

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¿Quién es el candidato favorito para ganar la segunda vuelta en las elecciones presidenciales de Uruguay? Esto dicen las encuestas antes de la veda electoral

Ángela Reyes Haczek (CNN Español) — Uruguay está en la recta final para un balotaje de final incierto este domingo 24 entre el centroizquierdista Yamandú Orsi y el centroderechista Alvaro Delgado, con un leve favoritismo de las encuestas para Orsi, del Frente Amplio. Según las últimas encuestas antes de la veda preelectoral, Orsi ganaría en

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Trump anuncia que Tom Homan, su exdirector interino de ICE, será el “zar de la frontera” de la administración

Sofía Barruti (CNN) — El presidente electo Donald Trump anunció este domingo por la noche que Tom Homan, quien se desempeñó como director interino del Servicio de Control de Inmigración y Aduanas (ICE, por sus siglas en inglés) en su última administración, estará a cargo de las fronteras del país. “Me complace anunciar que el

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ExxonMobil could partner up with Eni and Total to jointly develop natural gas deposits off Cyprus

Associated Press NICOSIA, Cyprus (AP) — Cyprus’ energy minister says ExxonMobil could partner up with a consortium composed of Eni of Italy and Total of France to jointly develop gas deposits they’ve discovered close to each other off the island nation’s southern coast. Minister George Papanastasiou says ExxonMobil is in talks with the Eni-Total consortium

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Storm inundates Northern California with rain, heavy snow. Thousands remain in the dark in Seattle

Associated Press HEALDSBURG, Calif. (AP) — Heavy downpours fell over much of Northern California on Friday, causing small landslides, overflowing a river and flooding some streets, including in parts of San Francisco. Meanwhile tens of thousands of people were still without power in the Seattle area after several days in the dark. The storm arrived

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Storm inundates Northern California with rain, heavy snow. Thousands remain in the dark in Seattle

Associated Press HEALDSBURG, Calif. (AP) — Heavy downpours fell over much of Northern California on Friday, causing small landslides, overflowing a river and flooding some streets, including in parts of San Francisco. Meanwhile tens of thousands of people were still without power in the Seattle area after several days in the dark. The storm arrived

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Trump nombra a Pam Bondi como su elección para secretaria de Justicia después de que Gaetz declinara la designación

Valeria Ordóñez Ghio (CNN) — El presidente electo de Estados Unidos, Donald Trump, anunció este jueves a la ex fiscal general de Florida Pam Bondi como su elección para el cargo de secretaria de Justicia de EE.UU. en su próximo Gobierno, después de que Matt Gaetz declinara la designación. “Durante demasiado tiempo, el Departamento de

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