Weather Recap: November 2023
November 2023 was a fairly comfortable month. The highest temperature of the month was 91 degrees and occurred on Sunday, November 5th. The coolest temperature was 48 degrees and was recorded on the morning of November 29th. Two days had temperatures equal to the average and there was an equal number of days with both above and below average high temperatures at 14 days each. No temperature records were set this month.
In terms of average high temperatures, November 2023 saw an average daily high temperature of 79.2°F. This was the exact same average as 2018. A normal average high temperature for the month is 79.7°, meaning this November was roughly half a degree cooler than usual.
November 2023 was interesting in terms of precipitation! Palm Springs typically sees 0.22 inches of rain during the month of November. This year saw 0.41 inches. The vast majority of the rain fell on November 15th with 0.39 inches. The rain was well welcomed after a bone dry October.
It should be noted that all data discussed above is for Palm Springs, CA.