10 ways to surprise her on Valentine’s Day

Ah, Valentine's Day; the day men secretly love to hate. Since it comes around every year without fail, why not embrace it this time and give her an amazing surprise to show her you not only remembered the wonderful day of love, but also care about her and want to show it. If you want to go for boyfriend-of-the-year, try incorporating a few of these ideas throughout the day and really sweep her off her feet!
10) Spoil her with a shopping trip together: Let's be honest, next to Christmas, Valentine's Day might be one of the most materialistic days of the year, minus the good will towards men. So why not embrace the consumerist day of love and spoil your lady? Fun for her, and easy for you. She'll be delighted to not only go shopping, but spend the day with the man she cares about. Have fun getting her to try on a nice outfit for her to wear to dinner or let her choose a beautiful piece of jewelry you might have been too afraid to buy for her on your own. Make a day out of it by booking a reservation to a restaurant so she can wear her new Valentine's Day gift out with you.
9) Rent a horse and carriage or a limo for a night out: Depending on where you live, arranging a private horse and carriage might be a bit of a challenge, but renting a limo is just as romantic and both will be sure to surprise her this Valentine's Day. Make an evening of it, by taking a long drive around town and taking her to a romantic dinner. Have fun in the back of the limo by sipping champagne, and rolling up the barrier and making out like you're teenagers again. She'll feel like the most special lady in town and it will all be thanks to you.
8) Learn together: This is surprisingly more fun that it sounds. Has she ever mentioned wanting to take a couple's cooking class or dance class with you? What about scuba diving lessons or learning Italian for that trip to Italy you want to eventually take together? There are endless classes available for whatever she's interested in, and taking them with you will not only give her someone to go with, but show her that you care enough to want to share them with her.
7) Make her breakfast in bed: Start the day off by surprising her with breakfast in bed. Cook her favorite breakfast with all the extras she loves, and take extra care to display it on a beautiful breakfast tray. Make it fun by including little Valentine's Day themed treats with the breakfast tray such as cinnamon hearts or personalized M&Ms with messages such as "you + her" or "I love you" on them. Be sure to include a single stemmed rose or a bouquet of her favorite flowers, and take it up a notch by also including a handmade note or Valentine telling her how much you care about her.
6) Pamper her: Whether you treat her to an indulgent day at the spa, go on a romantic couple's massage together, or take matters into your own hands by creating your own spa at home, the possibilities are endless. You can turn your own bathroom into a spa sanctuary fairly easily by dimming the lights, lighting some candles, running her a bath filled with rose petals, and turning on some relaxing music. Crawl in together and have fun relaxing. Afterwards, continue the indulgent experience by having the bedroom prepared to give her an amazing massage. Products such as scented massage oil, or massage bars help to make the process extra luxurious.
5) Cook her favorite meal: Whether you're a cooking rock star and want to pull out all the stops, or have cooking skills that would make Martha Stewart cringe, making your girl her favorite meal (or attempting to) is one of the sweetest things you can do for her this Valentine's Day. Research her favorite meal online and choose a highly-rated recipe to follow, so you can be sure that you're on the right track. If you're brave, try making her a dessert to go with the meal. Easy ideas include chocolate mousse, or chocolate fondue with strawberries or fruit. Don't forget to dress the table up for Valentine's Day with a bouquet of her favorite flowers.
4) Create a romantic scavenger hunt: Have some fun with Valentine's Day this year, and let your creativity run wild as you surprise your lady with a love-themed scavenger or treasure hunt. If you're feeling up to it, create an elaborate scavenger hunt by using your relationship and past experiences as the theme. Use clues and familiar locations to lead her all over collecting new clues and little gifts and rewards at each point. Use questions such as "our first date", or "where we first kissed" to keep her heading all the way back to your place, where you can surprise her yet again with an amazing dinner cooked by you or an indulgent massage. A sexy treasure hunt in your place is another fun way to surprise her. Scatter clues and sexy gifts all around, such as massage oil, or lingerie, eventually leading to the bedroom to put those treats to use!
3) Re-create your first date: Arguably once of the most romantic things you can do for her. Revisiting the same restaurant you two first had dinner at or going back to the same mini-golf joint brings back a ton of nostalgic memories and is sure to conjure up those early giddy feelings of butterflies and excitement. Tell her you're going out for Valentine's Day, but don't give her details. Once you two arrive, she'll quickly realize the reasons for your choice. Women always remember the little things, and knowing that you remembered your first date will mean a lot to her and make her grateful to have you.
2) Plan a romantic getaway: This doesn't have to be as expensive as it sounds. The possibilities are endless and can be completely tailored to your budget without compromising on the romance factor. If you two can only get away for a weekend, then book a cozy bed and breakfast lodge and enjoy the time alone snuggled up by the fireplace, or go cross-country skiing, or wine-tasting for the day. If you have the time and money for it, a week-long vacation to a sunny destination makes for a spectacular surprise. She'll be able to brag to her friends about what an amazing man she has, and you'll be a boyfriend rock star.
1) Pop the question: A bit intense, maybe. But if you were mulling the idea over for a while now, and waiting for the opportune time to do it, Valentine's Day is perfect. It's not only the most romantic day of the year, but also kills two birds with one stone by taking care of a gift too. She'll be elated, you'll be prince charming, and everyone will be happy. Just be sure to properly plan the proposal, and put some effort and thought into it, women really care about details, and this is certainly a time to make sure the T's are crossed and the I's are dotted.
Source: EzineArticles