Bizarre Break-In: Goat Enters Strip Club
COACHELLA – Hank Piecura got to Lynx Gentlemen’s Club early Saturday morning to find blood and broken glass. And he couldn’t believe what security video showed.
“If I didn’t see it myself on surveillance tape I wouldn’t have believed it either,” says Piecura.
A 150 pound goat smashed it’s way into his business.
It gets on it’s hind legs and rammed into the quarter inch think glass. It breaks through one door, then starts ramming another one, before trotting inside.
Why would a goat try to break into a strip club? The best the owner can figure, the goat saw it’s reflection in the door and got aggressive.
The goat spent the next a half hour dazed, staring at itself in a mirror.
A man comes in and chases the goat further inside.
Piecura thinks the man heard the break-in from the gas station across the street.
An hour later, the same man returns and chases the goat away.
The animal didn’t damage anything else inside the club.
Piecura followed the goat’s trail of blood but it lead him nowhere.
“I drove all over the area. Everybody around here said they don’t have goats so it had to come from either on the other side of the freeway or it came out of some trailer over at the truck stop,” says the Piecura.
The attack caused about $2,000 in damage.
Piecura says the repair costs won’t set him back too much.
He recently bought the club and hopes to have it opened by this weekend.
He’ll keep the reflective doors covered was paper until he can get a security fence.
“Tell you the truth I didn’t know there was goats either. So what’s next? Bulls? I don’t know,” says Piecura.
Now that’s a cover charge.