Volunteers needed for final eagle count of the season in Big Bear Lake, Lake Arrowhead, Lake Hemet, Lake Perris and Silverwood Lake
Bird watchers and other outdoor enthusiasts whohaven’t taken part in the U.S. Forest Service’s winter eagle count in the SanBernardino and San Jacinto mountains have one more chance next week before theseason ends.
Rangers will hold their final census on Saturday, March 9, andrequested that anyone interested join them at designated locations.
Volunteers are needed to watch for activity in traditional nesting areasaround Big Bear Lake, Lake Arrowhead, Lake Hemet, Lake Perris and SilverwoodLake.
No prior experience is needed, just warm clothes, a pair of binocularsand an hour to spare for each count, according to agency spokesman John Miller.
He said children and groups are welcome to take part. Each eagle countwill be preceded by a brief orientation meeting.
Eagles generally nest in the lakeside areas from late November to earlyApril, according to the USFS. This was the 35th winter census in the InlandEmpire. The counts began on the weekend of Dec. 15.
Anyone interested in volunteering for the eagle count at Lake Hemet isasked to call (909) 382-2935; at Lake Perris, (951) 940-5600; Big Bear Lake, orLakes Arrowhead and Gregory, (909) 382-2832; and Silverwood Lake, (760) 389-2303.