Supporters and protesters rally as Trump touches down in Coachella Valley

President Trump touched down in the Coachella Valley just after 10:30 a.m. Wednesday. He arrived at Palm Springs International Airport, before making his way to Rancho Mirage for a campaign fundraiser at Porcupine Creek. The event was hosted by billionaire and Oracle CEO Larry Ellison.
The President's arrival was met with both support and backlash.
"I'm embarrassed. I think every decent human being in this country is embarrassed by the way he runs the United States," anti-Trump rally organizer," Becki Robinson said.
"I believe a lot of them are just so anti-Trump that the tunnel vision, they just don’t want to believe anything good that he has done," said pro-Trump supporter, Peggy Feig.
Both very different opinions demonstrated a common theme with President Trump's visit.
"I think it’s great. I think it’s cool that he came to our city. It’s not very often that the President of the United States gets to come to come to your hometown,"
The President's arrival was also met with fierce backlash.
"When Obama came I was thrilled to death. As far as I’m concerned, 45 never has to step a foot in this valley and I’d be just as happy," Robinson said.
"We weren’t Obama supporters either but we respected the presidency. We respected what he did have to do. Unfortunately I feel like the other side is settling for whomever," Trump supporter Vicki Haeberle said.
Hundreds of people gathered along Highway 111, protesting and chanting with signs.
“I’m 85 years old and I haven’t seen one president that’s better," Trump supporter, Gerald Wheeler said.
Wheeler is also a veteran. He comes from the same generation another 85-year-old does, who also spoke to KESQ. He did not give his name.
“I’ve proudly served, I’ve marched under the flag. This man has never done a thing for this country. He’s never served."
Meanwhile, The Riverside County Sheriff's Department was out in full force. Deputies in riot gear were also monitoring the scene in chaos ensued.
Despite a division of fervent opinions from both sides, several who were present ultimately found a silver lining.
"I love this country. I think it’s fantastic, we have the ability to voice our opinion and that’s worth everything," Trump supporter Carlos Bosch said.
"I believe in America, everybody has a right to exactly what they feel so he has a right to be here and other people have a right to support him. I though am going to do everything I possibly can to make a change in this administration," Trump opponent, Patty Vansanten said.