Morning Weather Update
It's starting to feel cooler out there, with lows dipping nicely into the sixties across most of the Valley today. The Jet Stream is pulling farther South, allowing cooler air to drop into SoCal. This is typical for mid-October.

Winds out of the Northwest will continue to drive down daytime highs through the weekend.

Air Quality has remained in the "Moderate" range this morning, and is expected to do so most of the day.

Temperatures finally drop into the double digits as soon as tomorrow (and maybe today if we're lucky). We even anticipate some upper-eighties on Saturday for a refreshing change!

In weather across the country, Hurricane Delta is crossing the Yucatan Peninsula, headed for the Gulf and landfall along the Louisiana Coast sometime Friday. It will likely be a category 3 hurricane when it approaches landfall. Delta is the sixth named storm to put Louisiana within the strike zone this year.