Sea View Elementary School opens newly renovated field
A ribbon-cutting ceremony was held for Sea View Elementary School's newly renovated field.
The renovation project added a new field, baseball courts, and soccer fields. Before the renovations, the school's baseball backstop was in poor condition and the field had no soccer goalposts. The school lacked an adequate play area and did not have any furniture for outdoor learning spaces.

The project is part of the Coachella Valley Unified School District implementing the Covid-19 National Outdoor Learning Initiative to use outdoor learning during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond.
Officials said the old field at the school was in such poor condition that it prevented its more than 600 students from being able to use the field to play or learn outside.
"Looking at the field today, it represents so much joy and hope for our students. We look forward to students being able to play learn teamwork and develop physical fitness skills and stamina enough that they will need in the future," said Tara Hinchen, the school's principal.

The new baseball backstops and soccer goals will be used for physical education classes, allowing students to play outdoors during the pandemic and beyond.
The project was done in 50 working days at a cost of $1.3 million. Funding was provided by the CRRSA ESSER II Act and the CVUSD general fund.