Road closures during Ironman 70.3 Indian Wells-La Quinta this Sunday

The Ironman Indian Wells-La Quinta takes place this Sunday, December 3.
La Quinta will host the swim and bike portions of the race. The 13.1 mile run weaves through Indian Wells. This year’s route is the same as the 2022 course.
In its inaugural year, community members faced challenges with road closures. The city has since then established a viable plan for implementing them. La Quinta residents collaborated to create this route.
The route avoids Washington St., except when it intersects with Miles Ave. Highway 111 is also avoided, except at Jefferson street.
It does not cut through Adams St. or divide the City’s business corridor.
Officials have made sure that every community has both exit and entry access.

This year, more informational signage will be implemented.
Fred Warning Dr. is going to replace Highway 111 as the main route for east and west traffic during the race.
The race starts near 58th Ave and finishes at the Indian Wells Tennis Garden on Miles Ave.
For more information on street closures, tune into News Channel 3 starting at 4:00 PM.
Check Out: Ironman 70.3 Indian Wells-La Quinta to boost economy in Coachella Valley