Coachella Valley Water District gets $39 million grant for plant expansion

The Coachella Valley Water District announced today it is set to receive a $39 million federal grant to expand the Thermal Wastewater Treatment Plant.
Funds from the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation will go toward the first phase of a multi-year project that will "allow the plant to provide a blend of recycled and canal water for crop irrigation,'' according to a statement from the water agency.
It's the first such use of the water supply technology in the area, the CVWD said.
Officials estimated that the initial phase of the project would conserve over 33,000 acre-feet of Colorado River water across a 30-year span.
The project, meant to address goals mentioned in the 2022 Revised Indio Sub-basin Water Management Plan, will encourage "ongoing development of recycled water as a dependable supply,'' according to the statement.
Two additional phases in the expansion plan are scheduled to be completed before 2030, officials said. Post-expansion, the facility will be able to use 10 million gallons of recycled water daily.