Telemundo 15, La Poderosa host St. Jude radiothon, call 1-800-626-8432 to donate
UPDATE: Friday, February 21, 2025
The radiothon began on Thursday - and by 7:00 p.m. on Friday, donations totaled more than $95,000.00. The goal this year is $100,000.00, and that number is very close. Donations for the radiothon will still be accepted throughout the weekend until Sunday, so consider helping to raise more money for St. Jude.
Donations can still be made by calling 1-800-626-8432 or by visiting the St. Jude website.
Donations will be accepted through Sunday.
Our sister station Noticias Telemundo 15 and La Poderosa are hosting their 26th annual St. Jude Radiothon in order to raise money to help kids fight cancer.
Last year, the event raised around $92,000 dollars for St. Jude Children's Research hospital located in Memphis, Tennessee. Organizers say they hope to reach their goal.
“This year we're going to hopefully bring in $95,000, we are shooting for $100,000, last year we had a huge turnout for Coachella Valley with lots of support," said Sophia Baroz, development specialist.
You can become Ángeles de Esperanza or Angels of Hope by donating $19 a month.
Donations for the radiothon will be accepted through Sunday, February 23. Call 1-800-626-8432, or visit the St. Jude website.