Fans gear up for IndyCar Thermal Grand Prix, full weekend of high-speed fun
THERMAL, Calif. (KESQ) – It's almost time for the IndyCar Grand Prix and fans are gear up for a weekend of high-speed fun at Thermal Club.
Local IndyCar fans said they've been waiting for the chance to see the race series in their backyard.
"I think I was the first one to buy my ticket," Steve Wilkinson said.
Friday's practice schedules gives fans the chance to see their favorite drivers in action before the races on Saturday and Sunday. They said the practice sessions are their favorite as the drivers play around and test the track.
“We’re going to see who get’s going to the quickest. In practice it’s sometimes fun because they’re just, messing around a little bit and sometimes you get a little too crazy and I like that," Wilkinson said.
With nearly a year of preparations, Thermal Club is ready to welcome fans, the 27 drivers and their crew.
Stay with News Channel 3 at 6 p.m. to hear from fans about their love for IndyCar and who they're most excited to see this race weekend.