Doctors concerned some people may not be prepared for record setting triple digit heat
INDIO, Calif. (KESQ) - Record setting heat in the Coachella Valley has made our region the first in California to reach triple digits this year.
Since the typical high this time of year is in the 80's, doctors are concerned some people here may not be prepared to deal with the heat.
Doctors at JFK Memorial say heat-related illness and deaths are preventable, but some people ignore the warning signs, especially when the weather temperatures change so suddenly.
The signs for heat exhaustion include feeling faint or dizzy, excessive sweating, nausea or vomiting, or a rapid, weak pulse. Doctors say if you are experiencing any of these symptoms, it's important to go to a cooler, air-conditioned area, drink plenty of water, take a cool shower, or use cold compresses.
JFK Memorial Hospital Emergency Department Director Dr. Andrew Kassinove says heat illness here in the desert is much more common than we may think. He explains, "We do have an older population here... and they're on medications. So besides they're older and they cannot process the heat as well as a younger person, they may be on heart medications, medications for blood pressure and diabetes, and all those things interfere with your ability to manage the heat."
News Channel 3's Peter Daut spoke further with Dr. Kassinove on Tuesday about these and other heat concerns.