Suspect arrested after homicide in DHS, officer-involved shooting in Sky Valley
The Desert Hot Springs Police Department Police Chief Jim Henson tells News Channel 3 that a suspect is now in custody after a homicide Friday morning in the city.
Police got a call at 7:40 a.m. alerting them to an incident on the 13-500 block of Mountain View. The scene became a homicide investigation.
Police were at the scene throughout the morning and into the early afternoon.
DHSPD Deputy Chief Steven Shaw confirmed the homicide was a shooting. Shaw said the victim was an adult man, approximately 40 years old. The man's identity has not been released as of Friday evening.
Friday afternoon, investigators were in Sky Valley near the area of Driscoll Road and Dillon Road. Police activity in this area is part of the homicide investigation, Chief Henson tells News Channel 3.
Police confirmed that the Sky Valley scene is an officer-involved shooting investigation scene just after Noon.

The OIS occurred when Gang Task Force investigators attempted to take the suspect, a 42-year-old DHS resident, into custody, police said.
The Riverside County District Attorney's office released a short statement on the shooting, via Twitter, confirming its investigator involved was not injured:
"While attempting to take a murder suspect into custody, an OIS occurred in Desert Hot Springs involving a DA Investigator assigned to the Riv. Co. Gang Impact Team. The investigator was not injured. A firearm was recovered at the scene."
- Riverside County District Attorney's office
The suspect suffered non-life-threatening injuries and was transported to a local hospital. He was later medically cleared and returned to Desert Hot Springs where he will be booked into jail.
He faces murder changes and will be held in lieu of $1,000,000 bail.
Stay with News Channel 3 for continuing updates.