Public Arts Commission unveils new ‘Asphalt Art Installation’ in Palm Springs
The Palm Springs Public Arts Commission and the Palm Springs City Government plans to put more art around the city, including several Asphalt Art Installations.
Over the weekend, they unveiled a project months in the making along Tramview Drive and Granada Avenue. According to the City, art commissioner Christopher Ramirez found the artist, and Carlos Silveira hosted the unveiling event. Local artist Marconi Calindas-Cafege created the design and lead young community artists on the installation.
The city Of Palm Springs supports Asphalt Art projects, because they use city streets as a canvas for temporary public art installations that benefit communities by increasing street safety, revitalizing public spaces, encouraging walkability, engaging residents, promoting neighborhood culture, generating community pride, and supporting community artists.
The city also researched the benefits of Asphalt Art on public safety, and found they prevent pedestrian accidents.
-37% decrease in the rate of crashes leading to injuries.
-27% increase in the frequency of drivers immediately yielding to pedestrians with the right of way.
-25% decrease in pedestrian crossings involving a conflict with drivers.
-38% decrease in pedestrians crossing against the walk signal.
The City does plan to do additional Asphalt Art Installations around town in the future.