Indio High School students honored with President’s Volunteer Service Award

Two Indio High School students have been honored with the President's Volunteer Service Award.
18-year-old Samantha Ramirez and 17-year-old Aaron Delgado received the award because they "volunteered significant amounts of their time to serve their communities and their country," according to a release issued by Desert Sands Unified School District public information officer Mary Perry.
The honor was granted by the Prudential Spirit of Community Awards program.
More on Aaron and Samantha's accomplishments from the DSUSD release:
Samantha has been very involved in the Renaissance program during her time at Indio High school and given back to the community in city clean up days, service to students in elementary and middle school volunteer service in the Boys and Girls Club, Rescue Mission, and Martha’s Village.
Aaron has provided extensive community service through his involvement in cadet corps, the Impact Career Technical program, and FFA. He said, "get involved. You will be making a difference and feel better about yourself."
The Prudential Spirit of Community Awards program is now in its 25th year.