Boost of moisture for the valley
The long stretch of Excessive Heat Warnings for the Coachella Valley is expected to wrap up locally tonight. The National Weather Service will continue some warnings for the region through Sunday, but here in the valley, we can expect a shift from extreme heat to humidity.
An influx of monsoonal moisture has already started to arrive with more expected for Sunday and Monday. Dew points could rise to the mid to upper 60s by Sunday morning.
Additional moisture in the atmosphere paired with hot temperatures is a recipe for thunderstorm development. This will be more likely in areas of higher elevation surrounding the Coachella Valley Sunday and Monday afternoons.
Drier conditions should return midweek, but more moisture is anticipated long-term. Daytime highs should stay at or below 115° through the upcoming week, but increased humidity can make conditions feel much warmer than what a thermometer may read.