Tracking a warming trend that begins today
It's another beautiful day here in the Coachella Valley with minimal winds and slightly below-average temperatures. We are tracking some building high pressure over Southern California. This is kicking off one of the first big warming trends of the year. Thanks to the high pressure, skies will also stay predominantly clear for the next several days.

Winds are not a concern for us today. However, we have seen a shift in our winds to an offshore pattern. We can see this by looking at the arrows pointing toward the west (offshore). Thankfully the winds will not be overly strong, especially for us here on the valley floor. The wind pattern will flip flop between onshore and offshore over the next several days.

Spring officially starts tomorrow, astronomically speaking anyway. To welcome the new season, highs will climb into the 80s and then continue to climb well into next week.

Next week, highs will be in the range of 10-15 degrees above average. Skies will stay clear for the foreseeable future. If you're looking for something to do this weekend, check out the IndyCar Grand Prix in Thermal.