First Alert Weather Alert through 3PM today
The First Alert Weather Team has issued a First Alert Weather Alert through 3 p.m. today.
Continue reading for more details on this wind event.

A High Wind Warning is in place until 3 p.m.. Wind gusts up to 55 MPH can be expected through the San Gorgonio Pass. Plan for visibility to be limited at times due to blowing sand and dust. The strength of these gusts is enough to down trees and power lines.

Gusts in the Valley have so far exceeded 30mph.

Also in effect for the same region is a Red Flag Warning until 6:00 p.m. Friday. The gusty Santa Ana winds and low relative humidity are creating critical fire weather conditions. Any fire that starts has the potential to spread rapidly.

Highs will linger in the 70s for Thanksgiving day. Temperatures will warm back into the 80s for the weekend ahead.

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