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Month: March 2021

I-Team: One Year in Lockdown

We’re getting a clearer picture of the damage done to the Coachella Valley’s economy, one year after the beginning of multiple shutdowns. Tonight Karen Devine goes indepth in her I-Team report “One Year in Lockdown” to show you how billions of dollars have been lost in tourism revenue, a shrinking workforce and the uncertainty of

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How to help Asian Americans under attack

Across the US, Asian Americans are under attack — verbally, economically and physically. An elderly man on his daily walk was ambushed, shoved to the ground and killed. Strangers hurled insults and rocks at an Asian American family’s home. A business owner’s restaurant was spray-painted with “Kung flu,” “go back 2 China” and “hope U

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Juego de fútbol americano de Yucca Valley High School suspendido temporalmente debido a pruebas COVID positivas..

El Distrito Escolar Unificado de Morongo ha suspendido temporalmente el programa de fútbol americano de la Escuela Secundaria Yucca Valley luego de que el equipo arrojara resultados positivos. La suspensión incluye todas las prácticas y eventos para el equipo. Un miembro del cuerpo técnico dio positivo, al igual que un jugador que dio positivo antes

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Yucca Valley High School football temporarily suspended due to positive COVID tests

The Morongo Unified School District has temporarily suspended the Yucca Valley High School football program following positive tests within the team. The suspension includes all practices and events for the team. A member of the coaching staff tested positive, as did a player tested positive before the team’s first scrimmage on Friday, March 19, according

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Border Patrol has detained more unaccompanied minors in March than all of February, preliminary data show

The US Border Patrol has detained more than 11,000 unaccompanied migrant children between February 28 to March 20, according to preliminary government data reviewed by CNN, already eclipsing the number of minors apprehended in the full month of February. In recent weeks, the number of encounters of children crossing the US-Mexico border alone has continued

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Las escuelas de Coachella Valley están reabriendo, ajustándose a la nueva guía de distanciamiento de 3 pies

Los distritos escolares de Coachella Valley son variados cuando se trata de planes de reapertura. Mientras que algunos estudiantes del Distrito Escolar Unificado Desert Sands ya están en la escuela, otros estudiantes del Distrito Escolar Unificado de Palm Springs regresarán al salón de clases el 12 de abril. El Distrito Escolar Unificado Coachella Valley presentó

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