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Month: October 2021

GOP stalls pick who’d be government’s highest-ranking Muslim

By MARY CLARE JALONICK and MARIAM FAM Associated Press WASHINGTON (AP) — The nomination of a Pakistani-born businessman who’d be the highest-ranking Muslim in the U.S. government is in jeopardy because Senate Republicans have repeatedly blocked his confirmation. The stalemate has led to Democratic charges of anti-Muslim bias and galvanized some Muslim and Jewish organizations

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OPINIÓN | Si simplificas una sola cosa de tu día te sorprenderás: lo que aprendí usando el mismo vestido durante 100 días

CNNEE Nota del editor: Sarah Robbins-Cole es sacerdotisa episcopal y capellán en Wellesley College. Es esposa y madre de Elizabeth (20) y Will (24) y vive en los suburbios de Boston. Cuando no está en el trabajo o estudiando para su doctorado, puedes encontrarla paseando a sus dos perros o en el gimnasio. Las opiniones

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