Palm Springs planning 75th anniversary celebration next month
Palm Springs will celebrate its 75th anniversarynext month with a free party and fireworks show, a city official said today.
The event, “Thanks for the Memories! Palm Springs through the Decades”is scheduled for April 20 at the O’Donnell Golf Club and will feature anexhibit of the city’s history and culture from 1938 to the present.
Food from restaurants will be served and performers from the McCallumand Palm Canyon theaters will provide entertainment. The event will end with afireworks show, city spokeswoman Amy Blaisdell said.
Exhibit participants will include the Palm Springs Art Museum, the PalmSprings International Film Festival, Palm Springs Modernism Week, the PalmSprings Aerial Tramway, the Fabulous Palm Springs Follies, the Festival ofLights Parade and the Palm Springs Historical Society.
“Over the past 75 years, Palm Springs has become world famous as thepremiere resort destination in Southern California, where celebrities andpeople from all over the world come to relax, rejuvenate and enjoy year-roundsunshine,” said Mayor Steve Pougnet, who with Councilman Paul Lewin is leadingthe city’s 75th anniversary subcommittee. “I invite everyone in the CoachellaValley and beyond to join us on April 20 as we celebrate 75 years of PalmSprings.”
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