Now Hiring: Serve the community with the Palm Springs Police Department

The Palm Springs Police Department is looking to hire several lateral and pre-service police officers.
Lateral police officers are officers who are currently working for another department and looking to come to a new agency. Pre-service police officers are either in the police academy or just about to graduate from the academy.
Public information officer Sergeant Casavan said that in the near future, the department will also be hiring one code compliance officer and one community service officer.
Casavan said that they are looking from someone who is a team player, excels at customer service, and wants to take part in the community they serve.
Casavan said that the department offers a comprehensive benefits and pay program, but that the best part of the job is working in a city like Palm Springs.
Every day looks different, but Casavan said that an officer will interact with the community every day.
Casavan said that there are lots of opportunities for advancement and growth within the department.
If the Palm Springs Police Department sounds like the right fit for you, you can find out more information on their website.
Casavan also recommended that interested applications check out the department's social media pages.