5 tips to plan the perfect Valentine’s Day

By Char Edwards
Here are 5 tips to planning the perfect Valentine's day this year:
1. Set aside some time when you know you won't be distracted or have other obligations to attend to. Maybe this means getting up an hour earlier or staying up later. On a work day maybe you take your lunch to the car one day and eat and plan in solitude. Remember we are just doing this Valentine's Day planning once. It's not like it is going to be a daily occurrence!
2. Get in the mood to plan the perfect Valentine's Day. If you are up at 5 a.m. make a nice mug of some hot beverage that you can sip on while you plan. Also turn on some quiet music if possible. Think of why you love your guy. What has he done to make your life special and more enjoyable. Getting into a positive, loving state of mind will do wonders for your planning. You will feel more excited and creative and this planning process will go off well.
3. Brainstorm a list of things that your guy likes as well as things that he does not like. Then as you think of ideas you can eliminate them quickly if it falls under the "doesn't like" side.
4. Consider where you want to celebrate Valentine's Day, what time of day it will be, how much time you will have and what the weather could be like. If you have kids, you will need to wait until they are in bed and do something at home or find a sitter so that you can go out, or have the house to yourselves while they are away. No kids, that will make planning easier for you! Will you have your dinner at a restaurant or at home on the patio or as an indoor picnic?
5. What's your budget look like? Feeling a pinch? Then try to do something creative but easy on the wallet. Get out a package of construction paper and some markers and cut out dozens, if not hundreds of hearts! On each one write somethings special, funny or romantic. Then throw them into his car or scatter them in his office. He'll be finding them for weeks! If you have more wiggle room in your finances, then buy some bags of chocolate and make them into words or hearts around the house.
Valentine's Day is coming up pretty quick and if you want to make it a Valentine's to remember, check out some of these Valentine's Day ideas for him.
Your guy is sure to love one of the many of the frugal Valentine's day ideas such as leaving hundreds of hearts all over his office or sending him one email an hour for 14 hours on Valentine's Day.
Source: EzineArticles