High winds, blowing sand cause road closures in Palm Springs
Due to high winds, Gene Autry Drive and N. Indian Canyon Drive are both closed. As a result, the off ramps at Date Palm Drive are backing upseverely. Drivers are advised to seek alternate routes, such asHighway111, Bob Hope Drive, and Monterey Avenue to exit and/or enter the freeway.
Here are the latest road conditions as of Monday morning:
NORTH INDIAN CANYON – CLOSED south of I-10 through the White Water Wash to Tramview Road, shut down at 11p.m. Sunday.
GENE AUTRY TRAIL – CLOSED due to sand drifts and low visibility just south of the I-10 freeway to Via Escuela.
VISTA CHINO DRIVE – OPEN between Cathedral City and Palm Springs through the White Water Wash.
DATE PALM DRIVE – OPEN south of Interstate 10.
RAMON DRIVE – OPEN between Cathedral City and Palm Springs.
The California Highway Patrol urged motorists to drivecarefully today with strong winds blowing dust and sand across the CoachellaValley, just as attendees of the weekend music festival were heading home.
Cars left the site of the Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival thismorning and lined up to get on Interstate 10 in Indio, with winds blowing sandacross the freeway.
The National Weather Service issued a high wind warning for the valleyand mountain areas until 9 a.m. Tuesday, saying the winds were likely to causeblowing dust and sand, reducing visibility and making driving hazardous.
“The blowing sand and dust limits visibility (and) is posing a hazardto all drivers, not just those driving high-profile, lightweight vehicles,”CHP Officer Joe Zagorski said.
In Palm Springs, North Indian Canyon Drive was closed in both directionsbetween Garnet Avenue and Tramview Road because of sand covering the road andlow visibility, and Gene Autry Trail was closed in both directions between I-10and Via Escuela. Palm Springs police and the CHP asked motorists to use BobHope Drive, Monterey Avenue, Ramon Road and Highway 111 as alternate routes.
According to the CHP, drivers should turn on their headlights, slow downto avoid debris and drive in right lanes. Those driving at low speeds shouldturn on their hazard lights.
According to an NWS advisory, sustained winds of 25 to 35 mph and gustsof up to 60 mph were expected, along with isolated gusts of up to 75 mph.