Tiger & big cat refuge looks to expand desert location
Do you love animals and are you still looking for a place to donate to this holiday season?
The Magic Jungle Wildlife Preserve partially operates out of Palm Springs but its facilities are located about 50 minutes away in the Lucerne Valley.
That’s where the 80-acre preserve currently houses two Siberian tigers, two golden Asian leopards, a black panther and a Florida panther.
The founder, Kelly Young, told KESQ News Channel 3 and CBS Local 2’s Katie Widner that there is a waiting list for animals to get in, but they need to build out the facility first.
Younger said the refuge is undergoing a large expansion but they’re getting low on supplies.
“New construction is very, very expensive,” said Young.
The non-profit organization operates completely on volunteers and donations.
“We’re able to do it on five figures because we’re all volunteers. So 100 percent of all the donations and the tourism and fundraising exhibitions that comes into us goes into the animals,” said Younger.
The animals are rescued from across the United States and are able to live a life of retirement.
Last year the sanctuary broke ground on six new living enclosures, and hopes to add two more large preserve areas where the animals can play.
Younger said they are seeking the services of local fencing companies, or monetary donations to cover food for the animals and supplies.
For more information on The Magic Jungle Wildlife Preserve, click here.
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